The use of ultraviolet devices offers you and your family a number of benefits when added to you HVAC system. During a time, such as this, where cold and flu germs are given the opportunity to wreak havoc on your mentality it is necessary to take all of the appropriate steps to keep your family healthy. If you live in the Austin, Texas area are concerned about the quality of your indoor air there are several reasons you should invest in UV Lights for your family’s health.
UV-C Lights Improve Airflow
Many may not be aware, but the use of UV-C Lights in your HVAC system has been around since the 1990s. This technology is used to improve the air flow in your heating and cooling systems to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). When installed properly, ultraviolet light helps to keep your HVAC system working properly by ridding microbial buildup in drain pans, duct spaces, and cooling coils.
If given the opportunity, UV lighting greatly reduces the speed at which the harmful substances accumulate. When you dispose of these germs before they have the opportunity to produce a biofilm you are creating a healthier environment for your family. This is way annual HVAC maintenance is extremely important, especially if you have an ultraviolet light installed in your system. Regular maintenance allows your certified technicians to inspect your ductwork and HVAC system to find any issues before they become a bigger problem.

UV Lights Are Cost-Effective
One of the greatest aspects of adding UV lighting to your HVAC system is you are helping your system to stay clean which improves cost effectiveness. Your certified technician will come to your home and inspect the conditions, making sure you have the right environment for UV lighting. The size of your home and the age of your ductwork will play a part in whether or not UV lighting is right for you house. Other factors include: your homes humidity and temperature, placement of lamps, and the reflectiveness of the surrounding surfaces.
If it turns out your home is a prime candidate for the installation of UV lights you should seriously consider the benefits to you and your family. Another added bonus – ultraviolet lights for your HVAC system have the potential to increase the value of your home.
Disease Prevention with UV Lights
Disease prevention is without a doubt the biggest benefit of UV lighting in you HVAC system. Your HVAC system was designed to move air throughout your home, providing you with a comfortable living temperature. Unfortunately, any airborne viruses or bacteria also gets circled through your home
The use of ultraviolet light has the power to kill germs located in your heating and cooling systems before they circulate throughout your home. This is due to the UV lights eliminating buildup of debris in pipes and ductwork, thus providing you with better indoor air quality and fewer airborne pathogens. Simply put, you are left with a home that is smarter, healthier, and wallet-friendly.

Austin Breeze: UV Light Installation
Are you looking to improve the IAQ of your home and the health of your family? Contact Austin Breeze today! With years of UV lighting experience, Austin Breeze is the company Austin residents trust most. Contact us today and let us get you on the way to a healthier home!